Program Goal
To address issues regarding sustainable natural resources use by strengthening and empowering the capacity of stakeholders particularly, farming communities and other entrepreneurs who are directly dependent on the natural resources for meeting their basic and livelihoods needs.

Program Start Date

Program Website
https://www.inrmshillong.org/Program Objective
- Facilitating information and knowledge support on Bio-Resources, Water Resources, Land (Soil) Resources and Climate Change Management for the concerned stakeholders and Natural Resources users.
- Entering into partnership with Universities, Research & Development Institutions, Centres of Excellence, Stakeholders, etc., for providing resource support (as Knowledge Partners) in the field of Natural Resources Management for addressing sustainable and livelihood needs of the Users.
- Building Knowledge repository on Biological, Water, Land (Soil) Resources, natural disaster preparedness and climate change adaptation.
- Taking up studies and action/adaptive research for enhanced productivity of bio-resources, water resources, land (soil) resources within the sustainable development framework.

Program Activity
- Centre For Water Resources
- Centre For Land Resources
- Preparation of community landscape plans.
- Centre for Bio-Resources
- Centre for Weather Monitoring and Advisory:
- Centre for Climate Change Adaptation

Head of Program
Dr Vijay Kumar, D, IAS
Project Director
Mr Gunanka DB, IFS
Additional Project Director
Mr L. Shabong
General Manager
Natural Resource Management